We welcome all new and returning tamariki, coaches & volunteers to our club!

We make every effort to balance our teams across each grade to ensure that each team has a similar experience and enjoys the sport.

The emphasis at a junior level is on having fun in a safe and supportive environment.

With our fantastic grounds at Ngāti Toa, and our newly refurbished clubhouse we hope to help provide tamariki with many fond memories of their junior rugby experience.

So if you're keen to get your tamariki involved please register online via the junior regos link, make the required payment and if need be order your playing shorts and socks.



Junior rugby is for girls and boys and is available in the following grades:

  • Nursery - Skills and Drills for under 5 year olds held at Ngāti Toa domain on Saturday mornings at 9am.
  • Year 1 and 2 Rippa Rugby - non contact rugby where players develop ball skills, basic attack/defence and playing as a team.  Saturday morning games are played anywhere between Waikanae and Tawa.
  • Year 3-8 Combined Rip-Rugby - This is a good option for players new to rugby or those who prefer non-contact rugby.  Games are played across Porirua, Johnsonville, Wellington and Hutt Valley on a Friday afternoon. 
  •  Year 3 and 4 Tackle Rugby - players learn to tackle, attack/defence and playing as a team of 8 (Y3) or 10 (Y4) in an open weight grade in the Wellington Western Bays competition.  Saturday morning games are played anywhere between Waikanae and Tawa. 
  • Year 5 and 6 Tackle Rugby - players improve on their tackle, basic scrums and lineouts, attack/defence and playing as a team of 10 in the weight grade in the Wellington Western Bays competition.  Saturday morning games are played anywhere between Waikanae and Tawa.
  • Year 7 and 8 Tackle Rugby - players skill development continues, and the team size moves to 15 on a full field.  2024 sees this grade move back to seperate year groups and the weight limits have been removed. The year 7&8 pools will be decided based off of the start of season "Carnival Day" run by WRFU, recommendations by clubs and whether the team is Year 8, Year 7&8 or Year 7. Saturday morning games are played anywhere in the Wellington region.​​​​​​​

Any questions regarding your grades please contact your grade coordinator at first instance (see junior contacts page) otherwise please email the junior convenor/secretary.


$85 - Year 0/1-8 Individual player

$145 - Year 0/1-8 Two players (Siblings)

$175 - Year 0/1-8 3+ players (Siblings)​​​​​​​

$50 - Nursery only

Registrations are required to be paid in full before a playing jersey can be issued in order to take the field in 2025


Payment of fees to be made via Online Banking.

Account: PPRFC | 03-1533-0015621-00​​​​​​​
Child's Registered Name and Grade

Please email your confirmed payment to juniors@pareplimrugby.co.nz

All players will receive a playing jersey for the season - these are to be returned at the end of the season otherwise a fee will be incurred. 


All kids are required to play in following, otherwise they cannot take the field safely:-
•    PPRFC playing shorts (which can be order via merch)
•    PPRFC playing socks (which can be order via merch) 
•    PPRFC junior playing top (supplied by the club for the season, returned at the end of season)
•    NZ Rugby require all players to wear a mouthguard